Holliday Park and Nature Center
Donate now to the Holliday Park Capital Campaign
Sign up for Friends emails

This web site is provided as a public service by the Friends of Holliday Park.

Friends of Holliday Park

Yes, I want to be your Friend

Memberships are donations and are tax deductible. Memberships also are for one year and are non-transferable. If you have any questions, please contact Development Director Sarah Potasnik at (317) 475-9482 or spotasnik@hollidaypark.org.


Become a member online or off

Offline: You may print our Membership Form and mail or deliver it with your check or credit card information to Friends of Holliday Park, 6363 Spring Mill Road, Indianapolis, Indiana 46260.


Memberships Online — Step 1: Contact Information
Complete and submit the simple form below, after which you will be prompted for your payment information. An orange asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

First name *
Last name *
Membership level (pick one) *
 Individual, $35      Family/Dual, $50  
 Birch, $100      Maple, $250      Oak, $500
Street address 1 *
Street address 2
City *
State *
Zip *
Phone 1 *
Phone 2
Email address *
May we send you email notices about Holliday Park and Friends activities?
 Yes    No
 This is a gift membership from   
Comments or questions?

Next: Press the “Send Me” button to submit the form, after which you will get instructions for entering your payment information.
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